
Since 1998, SensioLabs has been promoting the Open-Source software movement by providing quality and performant web application development products, trainings, and consulting. SensioLabs also supports multiple important Open-Source projects.
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    Symfony, SensioLabs, Insight, and Blackfire.


Symfony组件是一组分离的和可重用的PHP库。经过数千个项目的实战测试,并 下载了百亿次,它们已经成为构建最佳PHP应用程序的标准基础。您可以独立于Symfony框架在自己的应用程序中使用任何这些组件。


使用Composer 在您的PHP项目中安装任何Symfony组件:

$ composer require

Component List

Component Description Resources
AllMySms Notifier Provides AllMySms integration for Symfony Notifier.
Amazon Notifier Provides Amazon SNS integration for Symfony Notifier.
Amazon SES Bridge Provides Amazon SES integration for Symfony Mailer.
Asset Manages URL generation and versioning of web assets such as CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files and image files.
BrowserKit Simulates the behavior of a web browser.
Cache Implements PSR-6 and PSR-16 caching mechanisms and provides adapters for popular caching backends (Redis, Memcache, APCu, etc.)
ClassLoader Deprecated Loads your project classes automatically if they follow some standard PHP conventions. This component is deprecated since Symfony 3.3, use Composer class loading instead.
Clickatell Notifier Provides Clickatell integration for Symfony Notifier.
Config Helps you find, load, combine, autofill and validate configuration values.
Console Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces.
Contracts A set of abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components.
Crowdin Translation Provider Provides Crowdin integration for Symfony Translation.
CssSelector Converts CSS selectors to XPath expressions.
Debug Deprecated Provides tools to ease debugging PHP code. This component is deprecated since Symfony 4.4, use the ErrorHandler component instead.
DependencyInjection Allows you to standardize and centralize the way objects are constructed in your application.
Discord Notifier Provides Discord integration for Symfony Notifier.
DomCrawler Eases DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents.
Dotenv Parses .env files to make environment variables stored in them accessible via getenv(), $_ENV or $_SERVER.
ErrorHandler Provides tools to manage errors and ease debugging PHP code.
Esendex Notifier Provides Esendex integration for Symfony Notifier.
EventDispatcher Implements the Mediator pattern in a simple and effective way to make projects truly extensible.
ExpressionLanguage Provides an engine that can compile and evaluate expressions.
Fake Chat Notifier Provides Fake Chat integration for Symfony Notifier.
Fake SMS Notifier Provides Fake SMS integration for Symfony Notifier.
Filesystem Provides basic utilities for the filesystem.
Finder Finds files and directories via an intuitive fluent interface.
Firebase Notifier Provides Firebase integration for Symfony Notifier.
Form Provides tools to easy creating, processing and reusing HTML forms.
Free Mobile Notifier Provides Free Mobile integration for Symfony Notifier.
GatewayApi Notifier Provides GatewayApi integration for Symfony Notifier.
Gitter Notifier Provides Gitter integration for Symfony Notifier.
Google Chat Notifier Provides Google Chat integration for Symfony Notifier.
Google Gmail Bridge Provides Google Gmail integration for Symfony Mailer.
Guard Brings many layers of authentication together, making it much easier to create complex authentication systems where you have total control.
HttpClient A low-level HTTP client with support for both PHP stream wrappers and cURL. It also provides utilities to consume APIs.
HttpFoundation Defines an object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification.
HttpKernel Provides the building blocks to create flexible and fast HTTP-based frameworks.
Icu Deprecated Contains the data of the ICU library in a specific version. This component is deprecated since Symfony 2.6, use the Intl component instead.
Inflector Deprecated Converts English words between their singular and plural forms. This component is deprecated since Symfony 5.1, use the String component instead.
Infobip Notifier Provides Infobip integration for Symfony Notifier.
Intl Provides fallback code to handle cases when the intl extension is missing.
Iqsms Notifier Provides Iqsms integration for Symfony Notifier.
Ldap Provides an LDAP client for PHP on top of PHP's ldap extension.
LightSms Notifier Provides LightSms integration for Symfony Notifier.
LinkedIn Notifier Provides LinkedIn integration for Symfony Notifier.
Locale Deprecated Provides fallback code to handle cases when the intl extension is missing. This component is deprecated since Symfony 2.3, use the Intl component instead.
Lock Creates and manages locks, a mechanism to provide exclusive access to a shared resource.
Loco Translation Provider Provides Loco integration for Symfony Translation.
Lokalise Translation Provider Provides Lokalise integration for Symfony Translation.
Mailchimp Bridge Provides Mandrill integration for Symfony Mailer.
Mailer Helps sending emails and provides integration with the most popular mailing services.
Mailgun Bridge Provides Mailgun integration for Symfony Mailer.
Mailjet Bridge Provides Mailjet integration for Symfony Mailer.
Mailjet Notifier Provides Mailjet SMS integration for Symfony Notifier.
Mattermost Notifier Provides Mattermost integration for Symfony Notifier.
Mercure Notifier Provides Mercure integration for Symfony Notifier.
MessageBird Notifier Provides MessageBird integration for Symfony Notifier.
MessageMedia Notifier Provides MessageMedia integration for Symfony Notifier.
Messenger Helps applications send and receive messages to/from other applications or via message queues.
Microsoft Teams Notifier Provides Microsoft Teams integration for Symfony Notifier.
Mime Allows manipulating MIME messages, used to create advanced email messages.
Mobyt Notifier Provides Mobyt integration for Symfony Notifier.
Nexmo Notifier Provides Nexmo integration for Symfony Notifier.
Notifier Sends notifications via one or more channels (email, SMS, Slack, Telegram, ...)
Octopush Notifier Provides Octopush integration for Symfony Notifier.
OhMySMTP Bridge Provides OhMySMTP integration for Symfony Mailer.
OptionsResolver Helps you configuring objects with option arrays.
OvhCloud Notifier Provides OvhCloud integration for Symfony Notifier.
PHPUnit Bridge Provides utilities to report legacy tests and usage of deprecated code and a helper for time-sensitive tests.
PasswordHasher Provides secure password hashing utilities.
Polyfill APCu Provides apcu_* functions and the APCUIterator class to users of the legacy APC extension.
Polyfill Ctype Provides a partial, native PHP implementation for the ctype extension.
Polyfill Iconv Provides a native PHP implementation of the functions.
Polyfill Intl Grapheme Provides a partial, native PHP implementation of the Grapheme functions from the Intl extension.
Polyfill Intl ICU Provides a collection of functions/classes using the symfony/intl package when the Intl extension is not installed.
Polyfill Intl IDN Provides a collection of functions related to IDN when the Intl extension is not installed.
Polyfill Intl MessageFormatter Provides a fallback implementation for the MessageFormatter class provided by the Intl extension.
Polyfill Intl Normalizer Provides a fallback implementation for the Normalizer class provided by the Intl extension.
Polyfill Mbstring Provides a partial, native PHP implementation for the Mbstring extension.
Polyfill PHP 5.4 Implements certain PHP 5.4 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project.
Polyfill PHP 5.5 Implements certain PHP 5.5 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project.
Polyfill PHP 5.6 Implements certain PHP 5.6 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project.
Polyfill PHP 7.0 Implements certain PHP 7.0 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project.
Polyfill PHP 7.1 Implements certain PHP 7.1 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project.
Polyfill PHP 7.2 Implements certain PHP 7.2 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project.
Polyfill PHP 7.3 Implements certain PHP 7.3 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project.
Polyfill PHP 7.4 Implements certain PHP 7.4 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project.
Polyfill PHP 8.0 Implements certain PHP 8.0 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project.
Polyfill PHP 8.1 Implements certain PHP 8.1 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project.
Polyfill UUID Provides a native PHP implementation for the UUID extension.
Polyfill Util Provides binary-safe string functions, using the mbstring extension when available.
Polyfill Xml Deprecated Provides a fallback implementation for the following functions in the abscense of the XML extension. This component is deprecated, use the Polyfill PHP 7.2 component instead.
Postmark Bridge Provides Postmark integration for Symfony Mailer.
Process Executes commands in sub-processes.
PropertyAccess Provides function to read and write from/to an object or array using a simple string notation.
PropertyInfo Extracts information about the properties of PHP classes using metadata of popular sources (Doctrine, PHP Reflection, PHPdoc, etc.)
RateLimiter Provides a Token Bucket implementation to rate limit input and output in your application (e.g. to implement login throttling).
RocketChat Notifier Provides RocketChat integration for Symfony Notifier.
Routing Maps an HTTP request to a set of configuration variables.
Runtime Decouples the bootstrapping logic from any global state to make sure the application can run with runtimes like PHP-FPM, ReactPHP, Swoole, etc. without any changes.
SMSAPI Notifier Provides Smsapi integration for Symfony Notifier.
SMSC Notifier Provides SMSC integration for Symfony Notifier.
Security Provides an infrastructure for sophisticated authorization systems.
Semaphore Creates and manages semaphores, a mechanism to control access to a common resource by multiple processes in a concurrent system .
Sendgrid Bridge Provides Sendgrid integration for Symfony Mailer.
Sendinblue Bridge Provides Sendinblue integration for Symfony Mailer.
Sendinblue Notifier Provides Sendinblue integration for Symfony Notifier.
Serializer Turns objects into a specific format (XML, JSON, Yaml, ...) and the other way around.
Sinch Notifier Provides Sinch integration for Symfony Notifier.
Slack Notifier Provides Slack integration for Symfony Notifier.
SmsBiuras Notifier Provides SmsBiuras integration for Symfony Notifier.
Spot-Hit Notifier Provides Spot-Hit integration for Symfony Notifier.
Stopwatch Provides a way to profile code.
String Provides an object-oriented API to strings and deals with bytes, UTF-8 code points and grapheme clusters in a unified way. It also provides a slugger and an inflector.
Telegram Notifier Provides Telegram integration for Symfony Notifier.
Telnyx Notifier Provides Telnyx integration for Symfony Notifier.
Templating Provides all the tools needed to build any kind of template system.
Translation Provides tools to internationalize your application.
TurboSms Notifier Provides TurboSms integration for Symfony Notifier.
Twilio Notifier Provides Twilio integration for Symfony Notifier.
Uid Provides tools to work with unique identifiers such as UUIDs and ULIDs.
Validator Provides tools to validate classes.
VarDumper Provides mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable.
VarExporter Exports any serializable PHP data structure to plain PHP code and allows to instantiate and populate objects without calling their constructors.
WebLink Implements HTML5 Links, Preload and Resource Hints specifications to advise clients (browsers) to preload and prefetch documents through HTTP and HTTP/2 pushes.
Webpack Encore A simpler way to integrate Webpack into your application, giving you a powerful API for bundling JavaScript modules, pre-processing CSS & JS and compiling and minifying assets.
Workflow Provides tools for managing a workflow or finite state machine.
Yaml Loads and dumps YAML files.
Yunpian Notifier Provides Yunpian integration for Symfony Notifier.
Zulip Notifier Provides Zulip integration for Symfony Notifier.