Symfony组件是一组分离的和可重用的PHP库。经过数千个项目的实战测试,并 下载了百亿次,它们已经成为构建最佳PHP应用程序的标准基础。您可以独立于Symfony框架在自己的应用程序中使用任何这些组件。
使用Composer 在您的PHP项目中安装任何Symfony组件:
$ composer require
Component List
Component | Description | Resources |
AllMySms Notifier | Provides AllMySms integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Amazon Notifier | Provides Amazon SNS integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Amazon SES Bridge | Provides Amazon SES integration for Symfony Mailer. | |
Asset | Manages URL generation and versioning of web assets such as CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files and image files. | |
BrowserKit | Simulates the behavior of a web browser. | |
Cache | Implements PSR-6 and PSR-16 caching mechanisms and provides adapters for popular caching backends (Redis, Memcache, APCu, etc.) | |
ClassLoader Deprecated | Loads your project classes automatically if they follow some standard PHP conventions. This component is deprecated since Symfony 3.3, use Composer class loading instead. | |
Clickatell Notifier | Provides Clickatell integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Config | Helps you find, load, combine, autofill and validate configuration values. | |
Console | Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces. | |
Contracts | A set of abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components. | |
Crowdin Translation Provider | Provides Crowdin integration for Symfony Translation. | |
CssSelector | Converts CSS selectors to XPath expressions. | |
Debug Deprecated | Provides tools to ease debugging PHP code. This component is deprecated since Symfony 4.4, use the ErrorHandler component instead. | |
DependencyInjection | Allows you to standardize and centralize the way objects are constructed in your application. | |
Discord Notifier | Provides Discord integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
DomCrawler | Eases DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents. | |
Dotenv | Parses .env files to make environment variables stored in them accessible via getenv(), $_ENV or $_SERVER. | |
ErrorHandler | Provides tools to manage errors and ease debugging PHP code. | |
Esendex Notifier | Provides Esendex integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
EventDispatcher | Implements the Mediator pattern in a simple and effective way to make projects truly extensible. | |
ExpressionLanguage | Provides an engine that can compile and evaluate expressions. | |
Fake Chat Notifier | Provides Fake Chat integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Fake SMS Notifier | Provides Fake SMS integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Filesystem | Provides basic utilities for the filesystem. | |
Finder | Finds files and directories via an intuitive fluent interface. | |
Firebase Notifier | Provides Firebase integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Form | Provides tools to easy creating, processing and reusing HTML forms. | |
Free Mobile Notifier | Provides Free Mobile integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
GatewayApi Notifier | Provides GatewayApi integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Gitter Notifier | Provides Gitter integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Google Chat Notifier | Provides Google Chat integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Google Gmail Bridge | Provides Google Gmail integration for Symfony Mailer. | |
Guard | Brings many layers of authentication together, making it much easier to create complex authentication systems where you have total control. | |
HttpClient | A low-level HTTP client with support for both PHP stream wrappers and cURL. It also provides utilities to consume APIs. | |
HttpFoundation | Defines an object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification. | |
HttpKernel | Provides the building blocks to create flexible and fast HTTP-based frameworks. | |
Icu Deprecated | Contains the data of the ICU library in a specific version. This component is deprecated since Symfony 2.6, use the Intl component instead. | |
Inflector Deprecated | Converts English words between their singular and plural forms. This component is deprecated since Symfony 5.1, use the String component instead. | |
Infobip Notifier | Provides Infobip integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Intl | Provides fallback code to handle cases when the intl extension is missing. | |
Iqsms Notifier | Provides Iqsms integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Ldap | Provides an LDAP client for PHP on top of PHP's ldap extension. | |
LightSms Notifier | Provides LightSms integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
LinkedIn Notifier | Provides LinkedIn integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Locale Deprecated | Provides fallback code to handle cases when the intl extension is missing. This component is deprecated since Symfony 2.3, use the Intl component instead. | |
Lock | Creates and manages locks, a mechanism to provide exclusive access to a shared resource. | |
Loco Translation Provider | Provides Loco integration for Symfony Translation. | |
Lokalise Translation Provider | Provides Lokalise integration for Symfony Translation. | |
Mailchimp Bridge | Provides Mandrill integration for Symfony Mailer. | |
Mailer | Helps sending emails and provides integration with the most popular mailing services. | |
Mailgun Bridge | Provides Mailgun integration for Symfony Mailer. | |
Mailjet Bridge | Provides Mailjet integration for Symfony Mailer. | |
Mailjet Notifier | Provides Mailjet SMS integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Mattermost Notifier | Provides Mattermost integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Mercure Notifier | Provides Mercure integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
MessageBird Notifier | Provides MessageBird integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
MessageMedia Notifier | Provides MessageMedia integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Messenger | Helps applications send and receive messages to/from other applications or via message queues. | |
Microsoft Teams Notifier | Provides Microsoft Teams integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Mime | Allows manipulating MIME messages, used to create advanced email messages. | |
Mobyt Notifier | Provides Mobyt integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Nexmo Notifier | Provides Nexmo integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Notifier | Sends notifications via one or more channels (email, SMS, Slack, Telegram, ...) | |
Octopush Notifier | Provides Octopush integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
OhMySMTP Bridge | Provides OhMySMTP integration for Symfony Mailer. | |
OptionsResolver | Helps you configuring objects with option arrays. | |
OvhCloud Notifier | Provides OvhCloud integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
PHPUnit Bridge | Provides utilities to report legacy tests and usage of deprecated code and a helper for time-sensitive tests. | |
PasswordHasher | Provides secure password hashing utilities. | |
Polyfill APCu | Provides apcu_* functions and the APCUIterator class to users of the legacy APC extension. | |
Polyfill Ctype | Provides a partial, native PHP implementation for the ctype extension. | |
Polyfill Iconv | Provides a native PHP implementation of the functions. | |
Polyfill Intl Grapheme | Provides a partial, native PHP implementation of the Grapheme functions from the Intl extension. | |
Polyfill Intl ICU | Provides a collection of functions/classes using the symfony/intl package when the Intl extension is not installed. | |
Polyfill Intl IDN | Provides a collection of functions related to IDN when the Intl extension is not installed. | |
Polyfill Intl MessageFormatter | Provides a fallback implementation for the MessageFormatter class provided by the Intl extension. | |
Polyfill Intl Normalizer | Provides a fallback implementation for the Normalizer class provided by the Intl extension. | |
Polyfill Mbstring | Provides a partial, native PHP implementation for the Mbstring extension. | |
Polyfill PHP 5.4 | Implements certain PHP 5.4 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project. | |
Polyfill PHP 5.5 | Implements certain PHP 5.5 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project. | |
Polyfill PHP 5.6 | Implements certain PHP 5.6 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project. | |
Polyfill PHP 7.0 | Implements certain PHP 7.0 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project. | |
Polyfill PHP 7.1 | Implements certain PHP 7.1 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project. | |
Polyfill PHP 7.2 | Implements certain PHP 7.2 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project. | |
Polyfill PHP 7.3 | Implements certain PHP 7.3 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project. | |
Polyfill PHP 7.4 | Implements certain PHP 7.4 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project. | |
Polyfill PHP 8.0 | Implements certain PHP 8.0 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project. | |
Polyfill PHP 8.1 | Implements certain PHP 8.1 features in pure PHP code so you can use them when using an earlier PHP version in your project. | |
Polyfill UUID | Provides a native PHP implementation for the UUID extension. | |
Polyfill Util | Provides binary-safe string functions, using the mbstring extension when available. | |
Polyfill Xml Deprecated | Provides a fallback implementation for the following functions in the abscense of the XML extension. This component is deprecated, use the Polyfill PHP 7.2 component instead. | |
Postmark Bridge | Provides Postmark integration for Symfony Mailer. | |
Process | Executes commands in sub-processes. | |
PropertyAccess | Provides function to read and write from/to an object or array using a simple string notation. | |
PropertyInfo | Extracts information about the properties of PHP classes using metadata of popular sources (Doctrine, PHP Reflection, PHPdoc, etc.) | |
RateLimiter | Provides a Token Bucket implementation to rate limit input and output in your application (e.g. to implement login throttling). | |
RocketChat Notifier | Provides RocketChat integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Routing |
Maps an HTTP request to a set of configuration variables.
Component backed by
Runtime | Decouples the bootstrapping logic from any global state to make sure the application can run with runtimes like PHP-FPM, ReactPHP, Swoole, etc. without any changes. | |
SMSAPI Notifier | Provides Smsapi integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
SMSC Notifier | Provides SMSC integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Security | Provides an infrastructure for sophisticated authorization systems. | |
Semaphore | Creates and manages semaphores, a mechanism to control access to a common resource by multiple processes in a concurrent system . | |
Sendgrid Bridge | Provides Sendgrid integration for Symfony Mailer. | |
Sendinblue Bridge | Provides Sendinblue integration for Symfony Mailer. | |
Sendinblue Notifier | Provides Sendinblue integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Serializer | Turns objects into a specific format (XML, JSON, Yaml, ...) and the other way around. | |
Sinch Notifier | Provides Sinch integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Slack Notifier | Provides Slack integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
SmsBiuras Notifier | Provides SmsBiuras integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Spot-Hit Notifier | Provides Spot-Hit integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Stopwatch | Provides a way to profile code. | |
String | Provides an object-oriented API to strings and deals with bytes, UTF-8 code points and grapheme clusters in a unified way. It also provides a slugger and an inflector. | |
Telegram Notifier | Provides Telegram integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Telnyx Notifier | Provides Telnyx integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Templating | Provides all the tools needed to build any kind of template system. | |
Translation | Provides tools to internationalize your application. | |
TurboSms Notifier | Provides TurboSms integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Twilio Notifier | Provides Twilio integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Uid | Provides tools to work with unique identifiers such as UUIDs and ULIDs. | |
Validator | Provides tools to validate classes. | |
VarDumper | Provides mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable. | |
VarExporter | Exports any serializable PHP data structure to plain PHP code and allows to instantiate and populate objects without calling their constructors. | |
WebLink | Implements HTML5 Links, Preload and Resource Hints specifications to advise clients (browsers) to preload and prefetch documents through HTTP and HTTP/2 pushes. | |
Webpack Encore | A simpler way to integrate Webpack into your application, giving you a powerful API for bundling JavaScript modules, pre-processing CSS & JS and compiling and minifying assets. | |
Workflow | Provides tools for managing a workflow or finite state machine. | |
Yaml | Loads and dumps YAML files. | |
Yunpian Notifier | Provides Yunpian integration for Symfony Notifier. | |
Zulip Notifier | Provides Zulip integration for Symfony Notifier. |